S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
2BlackgramBreederADT 3APR24-22-TNJ-BS-032020
3BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 3APR 21-22-NGT 19-002891180545
4BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 3APR 21-22-NGT 19-00298115115
5BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 503/08/182560304
6BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 52010244244
7BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8199/20256060
8BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8May-24-36-1284(P)-01140140
9BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8May-24-36-1284(P)-01180180
10BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8May-24-36-1284(P)-01300300
11BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8May-24-36-1284(P)-011515
12BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8May-24-36-1284(P)-0133
13BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8APR23-22-NGT31-19102050
14BlackgramFoundation Stage 1ADT 5JUL20-22-NGT19-12356076
15BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 8SEP 24 22 568 00041140140
16BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 3APR18-22-NGT19-124630630
17BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 549/86260128
18BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 6182/8511460
19BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 685/866060
20Coconut seedling TallCoconut Seedling TallCoconut Seedling Tall410001000
21Coconut seedling TallCoconut Seedling TallCoconut Seedling Tall4450350
22Coconut Seedling TXDCoconut Seedling TXDCoconut Seedling TXD241/861000100
23CottonCertified Stage 1MCU 520101616
24CottonCertified Stage 1SVPR 220106767
25GreengramBreederCO 8SEP24-22-MCC-BS-021010
26GreengramBreederVBN 6MAR24-22-VBN-BS-171010
27GreengramCertified Stage 1ADT 3MAY 24-22-NGT 31-0006810001000
28GreengramCertified Stage 1ADT 3MAY 24-22-NGT 31-00052450450
29GreengramCertified Stage 1ADT 3MAY 24-22-NGT 31-00068800800
30GreengramCertified Stage 1ADT 3MAY22-22-NGT31-0000410001000
31GreengramFoundation Stage 1VBN 5SEP 24-22-1085-55624624
32PaddyCertified Stage IADT 362001350350
33PaddyCertified Stage IADT 51FEB 23-22-NGT 22-00043545060
34PaddyCertified Stage IADT 54FEB 23-22-NGT 22-001084900200
35PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 5012910501050
36PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51102/8496009240
37PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51Jan 20-22-1315-00113001300
38PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51Jan 20-22-1315-00511001100
39PaddyCertified Stage ICR 1009 SUB 1JAN-20-22-NGT-19-3663002000
40PaddyCertified Stage INLR 34449120/83410080
41PaddyCertified Stage ITKM(R)-13122/83800800
42PaddyCertified Stage ITKM(R)-13132/84100100
43PaddyFoundation Stage IADT (R) 45OCT 20-22-NGT 22-00179500500
44PaddyFoundation Stage IADT 43SEP 20-22-NGT 19-00151500500
45PaddyFoundation Stage IASD 16OCT 20-22-NGT 22-00181500500
46PaddyFoundation Stage Ico (R) 51SEP 20-22-NGT 19-00174500500
47PaddyFoundation Stage Isamba sub 1116/83520520
48PaddyFoundation Stage Isamba sub 1116/82520520
49PaddyFoundation Stage Isamba sub 1116/83520520
50PaddyHybridKRH 22015100100
51PaddyTruthfully LabelledSivan sambaSSF-TPV-068020
52RagiFoundation Stage 2PAIYUR 2Jul19-22-ngt22-278150125

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Department of Agriculture, Tamilnadu is a Century old department, addressing the cropping and cropping related needs of the farming community.

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Providing a comprehensive ICT platform for the farmers to access information, disseminate information, as a mechanism to keep them informed on whatever they need, whenever they need and from wherever they need.Shifting focus from crop based to farm based.Identify the reason for gap in yield of individual farms and address them

Contact Us

  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005