S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 3APR24-22-NGT19-247136135
2BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 3Apr-18-22-NGt19-1281120896
3BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5Apr20-22ngt-19-12716621654
4BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 62625656
5BlackgramCertified Stage 1TU 401/21-22400400
6BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8APR24-22-NGT19-25215401539
7BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 801/24-2511401140
8BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 9APR24-22-NGT19-260197196
9BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 3Apr-20-22-ngt-18-835936.716
10BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 5July-16-22-NGT-19-396632554
11BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8256793792
13GingellyCertified Stage 1TMV 4JUN24-22-NGT-19-264315315
14Green manure seedsGreen Manure Green ManureMus-oct-14-20223300.06
15Green manure seedsSunhempSunhemp01250250
16GreengramCertified Stage 1ADT 3MAY 24-22-NGT 19 - 25813201319
17PaddyCertified Stage IADT 43APR-20-22-NGT-19-154125020
18PaddyCertified Stage IADT 43146615010
19PaddyCertified Stage IADT 432020135010
20PaddyCertified Stage IADT 51JAN 22-22-NGT 19-00379565060
21PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51Mar-18-22-Ngt09.4814401440
22PaddyCertified Stage ICR 1009 SUB 1FEB 21-22-NGT 19-00217740040
23PaddyCertified Stage ICR 1009 SUB 1Jan20-22-ngt19-1344501020
24PaddyCertified Stage Iswarna sub 154,55,6550002980
25PaddyCertified Stage Iswarna sub 1FEB-20-22-NGT-19-3916501630
26PaddyCertified Stage Iswarna sub 1Fep-20-22-ngt-22-55300040
27PaddyCertified Stage Iswarna sub 1JAN 20-22-NGT 22-5119001900
28PaddyCertified Stage Iswarna sub 1JAN 20-22-NGT 22-5121002100
29PaddyCertified Stage Iswarna sub 1FEB50005000
30PaddyCertified Stage Iswarna sub 1FEB 21-22-NGT 19-00227600017.5
31PaddyCertified Stage Iswarna sub 1Feb-20-22-ngt-09-27500040
32PaddyFoundation Stage IADT 38FEB-20-22NGT19-1919001900
33PaddyTruthfully LabelledADT 56TFL 0211001100

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  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005