S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 10FEB-24-22-804-00047240160
2BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8JAN 24-22-804-00040200182
3BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8JAN 24-22-804-00041200200
4BlackgramFoundation Stage 1Co 7FEB 24-22-PDK14-001276060
5BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 10FEB24-22-PDK26-000516060
6BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 10FEB24-22-PDK26-00052500500
7BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 11MAR24-22-PDK26-00072240220
8BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 8FEB24-22-PDK26-000596060
9BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 8FEB 24-22-804-0004512020
10BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 8APR 24-22-37-001942020
11BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 8APR 24-22-37-001952020
12BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VAMBAN 10MAR 24-22-PDK14-001524040
13BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VAMBAN 10MAR24-22-PDK26-000504040
14BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VAMBAN 10MAR24-22-PDK26-00074320320
15BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VAMBAN 10MAR24-22-PDK26-00078150150
16BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8MAR24-22-PDK26-00058420420
17CumbuFoundation Stage 1PUSA COMPOSITENOV 23-22-37-00120135135
18GingellyFoundation Stage 1TMV (SV)7APR24-22-PDK26-000652525
19GingellyFoundation Stage 1TMV (SV)7APR24-22-PDK26-00063110110
20GingellyFoundation Stage 1VRI 4MAY-24-22-804-00063250250
21GroundnutCertified Stage 2KL 1812APR-24-22-804-00056700700
22GroundnutCertified Stage 2KL 1812APR-24-22-804-0005716001600
23GroundnutCertified Stage 2KL 1812APR 24-22-804-0005816001600
24GroundnutCertified Stage 2KL 1812APR-24-22-804-0006117201720
25GroundnutCertified Stage 2VRI 8APRIL-24-22-804-00060630630
26GroundnutFoundation Stage 1BSR2APR24-22-PDK26-00066250250
27KudiraivaliFoundation Stage 1co.kv2DEC 23-22-37-001263030
28KudiraivaliFoundation Stage 1co.kv2JAN 24-22-37-001386060
29KudiraivaliFoundation Stage 1MDU-1MAR 24-22-37-001614848
30MaizeCertified Stage1COH (M) 8MAR 24-22-37-001631212
31Neem seedlingsNeem seedlingsNeem seedlings1 NEEM14601040
32PaddyBreederADT 54JAN24 - 22 - BSR - BS - 353030
33PaddyBreederADT 56MAY23-22-ADT-BS-105050
34PaddyCertified Stage IADT 37FEB 24-22-PDK14-0014012421242
35PaddyCertified Stage IADT 54JAN 24-22-PDK10-00070800800
36PaddyCertified Stage IADT 54JAN 24-22-PDK14-0010324301280
37PaddyCertified Stage IADT 54JAN 24-22-PDK14-0010532493249
38PaddyCertified Stage IADT 54JAN 24-22-PDK14-0010613501350
39PaddyFoundation Stage IIBPT 5204MAY 24-36-86 (TP) PP0126315001500
40PaddyTruthfully LabelledKaruppu kavuniMAR24-KK-DPT-0025010
41PaddyTruthfully LabelledThooyamalliJUN 24-22 37 TFL-137050
42PaddyTruthfully LabelledThooyamalliMAR24-TM-DPT-00311010
43RagiFoundation Stage 1CO 15FEB 24-22-PDK14-00133100100
44RagiFoundation Stage 1CO 15JAN 24-22-PDK14-001325050
45RedgramCertified Stage 1LRG 52JAN 24-01-128(P)-KL-006854040
46RedgramCertified Stage 1LRG 52JAN 24-01-128(P)-KL-00685184144
47RedgramFoundation Stage 1CO(RG) 7MAR 24-22-37-001602020
48SesameFoundation Stage IVRI 4APR 24-22-37-001625050

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  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005