S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 10AUG 24-22-883-000611563117
2CastorFoundation Stage 1YRCH 2APR 24-22-995-000301010
4CholamCertified Stage 1HTJH 3208FNS -NUTRI-HYBRID CHOLAM200200
5CholamFoundation Stage 1CO 32 (SPV 2369)APR 24-22-933-00171405
6CholamFoundation Stage 1CO 32 (SPV 2369)MAY 24-22-36-00096305
7CholamFoundation Stage 1CO-30FEB 24-22-243-001085656
8CholamFoundation Stage 1K 12AUG 24-22-243-001392525
9CowpeaCertified Stage 1CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-883-00062377345
10CowpeaCertified Stage 1CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-883-00055530127
11CowpeaCertified Stage 1CO(CP) 7JAN24-22-883-25345.90.00000389648
12CowpeaCertified Stage 1KBC 9AUG 24-22-883-000474288
13CowpeaCertified Stage 1KBC 9AUG 24-22-883-0005210201020
14CowpeaCertified Stage 1KBC 9AUG 24-22-883-00042540352
15CowpeaCertified Stage 1KBC 9AUG 24-22-883-00064275275
16CowpeaCertified Stage 1KBC 9AUG 24-22-883-000434092
17CowpeaCertified Stage 1KBC 9AUG 24-22-883-000443399
18CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)SEP 24-22-883-0006319301924
19CowpeaCertified Stage 2CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-883-0005310501050
20CowpeaCertified Stage 2CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-883-0005414501450
21CowpeaFoundation Stage 1VBN 3JUN 24-22-883-00038160160
22CowpeaFoundation Stage 2CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-883-00051600480
23CowpeaFoundation Stage 2CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-883-00049650634
24CowpeaFoundation Stage 2CO(CP) 7SEP 24-22-883-00057483483
25CowpeaFoundation Stage 2TPTC- 29AUG 24-22-883-00059350350
26CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3SEP 24-22-883-0006012001200
27CumbuFoundation Stage 1Co-10JUN 24-22-36-00109925910
28GingellyCertified Stage 1TMV 6APR24-22-1084-000302020
29GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV 6APR 24-22-PLR-10-00057150115
30GreengramFoundation Stage 2CO 8JUL 24-22-883-00040525436
31GreengramFoundation Stage 2CO 8AUG 24-22-883-0004813301317
32GreengramFoundation Stage 2VBN 4SEP 24-22-883-00056600592
33GroundnutCertified Stage 1Dharani (TCGS 1043 )SEP 24-22-883-00070880610
34GroundnutCertified Stage 1Kadiri Lepakshi 1812OCT 24-22-883-0006534502200
35HorsegramFoundation Stage 1Paiyur 2MAR24-22-883-00033391
36KudiraivaliCertified Stage 1MDU-1DEC 23-22-243-00098285.9285.9
37KudiraivaliFoundation Stage 2MDU-1MAR 24-22-243-001096060
38PaddyCertified Stage ICO 55JUN 24-22-VPM 17-00145200160
39RagiCertified Stage 1CO 15MAR 24-22-243-00113994.930.00000267578
40RagiCertified Stage 1CO 15MAR 24-22-243-00125164.840.84
41RagiCertified Stage 1CO 15APR 24-22-243-00118659.9439.94
42RagiCertified Stage 1CO 15MAR 24-22-243-00117746.941.94
43RagiCertified Stage 1CO 15MAR 24-22-243-00112705420
44RagiFoundation Stage 1CO 15AUG 24-22-243-00140300300
45RagiFoundation Stage 1CO 15JUN 24-22-36-001151000525
46RedgramCertified Stage 1LRG 52FEB24-22-883-000308650.6
47SorghumCertified Stage ISPV 2217MAR24-10-47E-215,219,225,233,211,231,226180003
48SorghumCertified Stage ISPV 2217MAR24-10-47E-215,219,217,233,211,231,22620001951
49Soy BeanCertified Stage 1Soyabean DSB 21SOYABEAN-OC195162.5
50Soy BeanCertified Stage 1Soyabean DSB 21SOYABEAN-SCP6565

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  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005