S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 10SEP 24-22-886-00082247121
2CastorFoundation Stage 1YRCH 2APR 24-22-995-00030107
3CholamFoundation Stage 1CO 32 (SPV 2369)SEP 24-22-36-00121125105
4CholamFoundation Stage 1CO-30AUG24-22-36-0001189585
5CowpeaCertified Stage 1KBC 9JUL 24-22-886-00062106105
6CowpeaCertified Stage 1KBC 9SEP 24-22-886-000854343
7CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)AUG 24-22-886-00067291290
8CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)AUG 24-22-886-00068259258
9CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)AUG 24-22-886-000696564
10CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)AUG 24-22-886-00057305236
11CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)AUG 24-22-886-00058139138
12CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)AUG 24-22-886-00059594593
13CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)AUG 24-22-886-00065224223
14CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)AUG 24-22-886-00066368367
15CowpeaFoundation Stage 2CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-886-00070200199
16CowpeaFoundation Stage 2CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-886-00071188187
17CowpeaFoundation Stage 2CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-886-00074450450
18CowpeaFoundation Stage 2CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-886-00075300300
19CowpeaFoundation Stage 2CO(CP) 7AUG 24-22-886-00073150150
20CowpeaFoundation Stage 2TPTC- 29AUG 24-22-886-00063354271
21CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3JUL 24-22-886-0005610996
22CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3JUL 24-22-886-00055174173
23GreengramFoundation Stage 2VBN 4AUG 24-22-886-00072395221
24PaddyFoundation Stage IIWPJAN 24-22-36-00075 (p) 75/8525060
25PaddyFoundation Stage IVGD 1APR 24-22-36-00094(p) 8/8514001240
26RagiCertified Stage 1CO 15MAR 24-22-36-00090. (p) 60/852000630
27SorghumCertified Stage ISPV 2217MAR24-10-47,1337E-4-1231,-10-47E-22624001894
28Soy BeanCertified Stage 1Soyabean DSB 212024-25 365/85260260

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  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005