S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 6APR19-22-1578-00041200200
2BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 6APR-20-22-TRY31-05450350
3BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 6APR-20-22-TRY31-0535058
4BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 10APR24-22-TRY25-022240240
5BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 11AUG 24-22-TRY 25-0003521414
6BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 6Feb19-22 653-000296012
7BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8APR24-22-TRY25-0251550530
8BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8MAY24-22-TRY25-02620540
9BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8AUG 24-22-TRY 25-00037335335
10CholamBreederK 12SEP23 22 SVPR BS 0788
11CholamCertified Stage 1HTJH 3208NSC102102
12CholamCertified Stage 1k 12JUN 24-22-TRY 26-000781048148
13CholamCertified Stage 1k 12JUN-24-22-TRY-26-7715501374
14CholamCertified Stage 1k 12JUN-24-22-TRY-26-79915728
15CholamCertified Stage 1k 12JUN-23-22-TRY-26-27 / SC NO G1006/22-23 /K 12 CHOLAM/ADA THURAIYUR/1109178
16CottonTruth Fully LabelledsurabiSPT-1/23-245050
17CottonTruth Fully LabelledsurabiSPT-1/23-245050
18CumbuFoundation Stage 1Co-10JUL-22-22-TRY-26-1233952
19CumbuFoundation Stage 1Co-10JUL-22-22-TRY-26-1233525
20CumbuFoundation Stage 2COCU10JUL-23-22-TRY-26-37 / SC NO G210/23-24 /CO 10 CUMBU /ADA MUSIRI35010
21GingellyCertified Stage 1TMV 4JUN 24-22-NGT 37-00091251
22GingellyCertified Stage 1TMV 4JUN 24-22-NGT 37-00089151
23Green manure seedsGreen Manure Green Manure12099190135030
24GroundnutBreederVRI 10OCT-24-22-VGD-BS-138080
25GroundnutCertified Stage 1KADIRI LEPAKSI 1812MAY24-22-TRY25-0002429692729
26GroundnutFoundation Stage 1GJG9APR24-22-TRY25-0001718060
27GroundnutFoundation Stage 1VRI 9JUN 24-22-TRY 25-00033230230
28GroundnutFoundation Stage 2KADIRI LEPAKSI 1812JUN24-22-TRY25-00029720720
29GroundnutFoundation Stage 2KADIRI LEPAKSI 1812JUN24-22-TRY25-00027300300
30GroundnutFoundation Stage 2KADIRI LEPAKSI 1812AUG 24-22-TRY 25-000341860660
31GroundnutFoundation Stage 2KADIRI LEPAKSI 1812JUN24-22-TRY25-00031780390
32PaddyCertified Stage ITKM(R)-13FEB 23-22-365-00012855010
33PaddyFoundation Stage IADT 54MAR 24-22-365-000634500810
34Palm NutsPalm NutsPalm NutsPalmnuts-21-2230003000
35RagiFoundation Stage 2CO-15Feb20.-22-325-001118070
36RagiFoundation Stage 2PAIYUR 2OCT 20-22-TRY 20-000423535
37RedgramCertified Stage 1LRG 52JAN-24-01-1284(P)-KL-0067544
38RedgramCertified Stage 1LRG 52JAN-24-01-1284(P)-KL-00675200200
39RedgramFoundation Stage 1LRG 52DEC-22-01-959(P)-EG-001314028
40RedgramFoundation Stage 1LRG 52DEC-22-01-959(P)-EG-00131281
41RedgramFoundation Stage 2CO 9JAN 23-22-749-81200.5
42SorghumBreederSorghum K12SEP 23-22-SVPR-BS-0788
43SunflowerCertified Stage 1KBSH 44APR24-10-169-8320320
44VaraguTruth Fully LabelledCO 3002305

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Contact Us

  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005