S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 10MAY 24-22-652-00050260104
2BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 8MAR 24-22-652-00036690595
3BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 11MAR 24-22-652-00047560550
4BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 11MAR 24-22-652-000371100300
5BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 11APR 24-22-652-00039600300
6BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 11APR 24-22-652-00040225225
7BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8MAR 24-22-652-000351090555
8BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8APR 24-22-652-00055485275
9CholamCertified Stage 1CO 32 (SPV 2369)JUN 24-22-TRY 29-0009653458
10CholamCertified Stage 1CO 32 (SPV 2369)JUL 24-22-TRY 29-000972822
11CholamCertified Stage 1HTJH 3208APR 24-01-225(TP) (36)-KD018908181
12CholamCertified Stage 1HTJH 3208APR 24-01-225(TP) (36) - KD018902121
13CholamCertified Stage 1k 12JUN-24-22-TRY-26-89 / ADA Mannachanallur / G 040 /24-25/590420
14CholamCertified Stage 1k 12JUN-24-22-TRY-26-76 / ADA UPPILIAPURAM / G 023 / 24-251616
15CholamCertified Stage 1k 12JUN-24-22-TRY-26-92 / ADA UPPILIAPURAM / G 0 20 / 24-25260260
16CholamCertified Stage 1k 12JUL-24-22-TRY-26-93 / ADA UPPILIAPURAM / G 024/ 24-25274274
17CottonTruth Fully LabelledsurabiSPT-1/23-24240240
18CottonTruth Fully LabelledsurabiSPT-1/23-246060
19CumbuCertified Stage 1ABV 04SEP 24-22-TRY 26-00099100100
20GingellyBreederTMV 4MAY 24-22-TMV-BS-SESAME-0522
21GingellyCertified Stage 1TMV (SV) 7MAY 24-22-652-0005325060
22GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV 4JUN 24-22-652-0005715050
23GroundnutCertified Stage 1GJG9APR 24-22-652-00046350200
24GroundnutCertified Stage 1GJG9APR 24-22-652-00043735135
25GroundnutCertified Stage 1GJG9APR 24-22-652-00042525125
26GroundnutCertified Stage 1GJG9APR 24-22-652-00045630230
27GroundnutCertified Stage 1GJG9APR 24-22-652-00044934929
28GroundnutCertified Stage 1GJG9APR 24-22-652-00041700100
29GroundnutCertified Stage 1K 1812JUN 24-22-652-00056245245
30GroundnutFoundation Stage 1GJG9MAR 24-22-352-0003331505
31Neem seedlingsNeem seedlingsNeem seedlings257/2024-25250060
32PaddyCertified Stage IADT 54JAN 24-22-365-000673690450
33PaddyFoundation Stage IADT 54FEB 24-22-TRY 40-00035600600
34PaddyFoundation Stage IADT 54FEB-24-22-TRY-26-611000525
35PaddyFoundation Stage ICO (R) 50APR 24-22-365-00076365050
36PaddyFoundation Stage IIBPT 5204MAY 24-36-476(TP)-PP024063000400
37PaddyTruthfully LabelledThooyamalliMAR24-22-MTR0157050
38PaddyTruthfully LabelledThooyamalliTML 01100100
39RedgramCertified Stage 1LRG 52JAN24-01-1284(P)KL00677/P-186/V-69408
40SorghumBreederSorghum K12SEP 23-22-SVPR-BS-0744

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  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005