S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BGABGA NEWBGA NEW01/2022-20234500200
2BGABGA NEWBGA NEW01/2021-20224500570
3BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5MAY21-22-498-2991128568
4BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5MAY21-22-498-273160160
5BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5MAY21-22-498-298216211
6BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5MAY21-22-498-273160125
7BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5AUG21-22-498-2672000188
8BlackgramCertified Stage 1MDU-1APR 24-22-498-110200138
9BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 6APR 21-22-41-002491000534
10BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8JUL23-22-498-631400108
11BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8JUL 24-22-498-233137790
12BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8AUG 24-22-498-234684284
13BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JUL 24-22-498-2431900449
14BlackgramFoundation Stage 1ADT 5MAR 23-22-498-0043232
15BlackgramFoundation Stage 1ADT 5APR 24-22-498-1281002
16BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 8MAR 23-22-498-0155050
17BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 5JUL 21-22-TVR 19-0010760040
18BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 6JUL21-22-498-2634040
19BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8MAR 24-22-498-1002008
20BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8JUL21-22-497-1882160132
21BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8JUL21-22-497-19027010
22Coconut seedling TallCoconut Seedling TallCoconut Seedling Tall01/21-22750110
27GingellyCertified Stage 1TMV (SV) 7MAY21-22-497-16916080
28GingellyCertified Stage 1TMV 3MAY 21-22-TVR 19-000742525
29GingellyFoundation Stage 1TMV (SV)7JUN 23-22-498-0372525
30GingellyFoundation Stage 1TMV 6JUN 23-22-498-03644
31GingellyFoundation Stage 1TMV 6JUUN 23-22-498-0382626
32GingellyFoundation Stage 1TMV 7MAY 24-22-498-1311010
33GingellyFoundation Stage 1VRI 3MAY 21-22-TVR 19-0007255
34GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV (SV) 7MAY23-22-497-1003535
35GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV (SV) 7MAY23-22-497-10124040
36GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV (SV) 7MAY-22-497-168266180
37GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV 3MAY 24-22-498-1328080
38GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV 3JUN 24-22-TVR05-001220185
39GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV 3JUN 24-22-TVR05-00213045
40GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV 4MAY21-22-498-2405228
41GreengramCertified Stage 2ADT 3MAY24-22-497-198600600
42GreengramCertified Stage 2ADT 3MAY24-22-497-19919801980
43GreengramCertified Stage 2ADT 3MAY24-22-497-2006060
44GreengramCertified Stage 2ADT 3MAY 24-22-498-12340040
45GreengramCertified Stage 2MH-421JUN 24-22-498-237773213
46GreengramCertified Stage 2MH-421MAY 24-22-498-120200200
47PaddyCertified Stage IADT 51FEB 23-22-TVR 19-000014750150
48PaddyCertified Stage IADT 54MAR 24-22-41-00185750700
49PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 50FEB 21-22-41-002097450950
50PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51AGRI-46/24-25320320
51PaddyCertified Stage IMTU 7029FEB 23-22-TVR 19-000469450200
52PaddyFoundation Stage ICO (R) 50JAN21-22-497-1711500100
53PaddyFoundation Stage ICo 52JAN 24-22-TVR 19-00096800550
54PaddyFoundation Stage ICR 1009 SUB 1JAN 23-22-497-3414001400
55PaddyFoundation Stage ICR 1009 SUB 1JAN 23-22-497-34850400
56PaddyFoundation Stage ITRY 4FEB 23-22-497-84100100
57PaddyFoundation Stage IICR 1009 SUB 1FEB 23-22-TVR 19-000081000460
58PaddyFoundation Stage IINLR 34449JAN21-22-497-173100050
59PaddyTruthfully LabelledMapillai SambaSSFNBM/01/23-24170140
60RagiCertified Stage 1PAIYUR 2OCT 23-22-498-09910077
61RagiFoundation Stage 1CO15JUL 23-22-498-0415050
63SesameFoundation Stage IVRI 4JUL 24-22-41-002094.54.5
64Sun HempSun HempSun Hemp08-09-10-11/202119001900

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  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005