S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
2BGABGA NEWBGA NEW01/2021-20224500500
3BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 534,35,3614561456
4BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5P17810546
5BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 52827852785
6BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5P161520992
7BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 546/47/5048642664
8BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5452012359
9BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5JUL25002500
10BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5JUL1460680
11BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5317/p6866484
12BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5JUL700700
13BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5MAY21-22-498-273291080
14BlackgramCertified Stage 1ADT 5JUL360330
15BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 6171200200
16BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 629360280
17BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 6145980670
18BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 6APR 21-22-41-002511000140
19BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 6146967967
20BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8JUL 24-22-498-137228200
21BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8JUL 24-22-498-233496300
22BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8MAR22-01-1505(P)GT01-118625001428
23BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8MAR 24-22-498-105200200
24BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8JUL 24-22-41-00227700700
25BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8MAY 24-22-41-00226150150
26BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JUL 24-22-498-21513271151
27BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JUL 24-22-498-232344344
28BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JUL 24-22-498-1991845300
29BlackgramFoundation Stage 1ADT 3MAY 24-22-497-2198080
30BlackgramFoundation Stage 1ADT 6May-24-22-497-218135135
31BlackgramFoundation Stage 1ADT 6April 24-22-497-2151616
32BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 5P13960320
33BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 535742742
34BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 5JUL 21-22-TVR 19-0010860052
35BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 5JUN12001200
36BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 5JUN19551955
37BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 5JUL560560
38BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 5JUN420340
39BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 5P071320440
40BlackgramFoundation Stage 2ADT 6APR21-22-497-1855656
41BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 6150/14285285
42BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 644066060
43BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 6440600600
44BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 695100100
45BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 61501260480
46BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8MAR 24-22-498-100200138
47BlackGram MinikitCertified stageTu 4010844
48Coconut seedling TallCoconut Seedling TallCoconut Seedling Tall04600590
49Coconut seedling TallCoconut Seedling TallCoconut Seedling Tall046009
50CottonFoundation Stage 2surabi588080
53GingellyCertified Stage 1TMV 3MAY 21-22-TVR 19-000732525
54GingellyCertified Stage 1TMV 7MAY21-22-498-22311636
55GingellyCertified Stage 1TMV 7MAY21-22-498-2011212
56GingellyFoundation Stage 1TMV (SV)7JUN 24-22-498-1342020
57GingellyFoundation Stage 1TMV (SV)7JUN 21-22-41-0022228064
58GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV (SV) 75916066
59GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV 4MAY21-22-498-2405224
60Green manure seedsGreen Manure Green Manure01/22-23400100
61Green manure seedsGreen Manure Green Manure18760005900
62GreengramFoundation Stage 1ADT 3MAY24-22-497-220160160
63GreengramFoundation Stage 1ADT 3MAY 21-22-TVR 20-000944016
64GreengramFoundation Stage 1VBN 310010060
65PaddyCertified Stage IADT 43SEP 21-22-41-0025453501750
66PaddyCertified Stage IADT 43AUG 21-22-41-002561450450
67PaddyCertified Stage IADT 53AUG 24-22-41-0024339001950
68PaddyCertified Stage IADT 53MAY 24-22-TVR 19-00110900550
69PaddyCertified Stage IADT 57FEB24-22-497-189300100
70PaddyCertified Stage IASD 16SEP 21-22-41-0022840001300
71PaddyCertified Stage IASD 16SEP 21-22-41-002292650900
72PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 5049100009200
73PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51MAY 22-22-TVR 19-0014945001250
74PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 5111123002300
75PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 5111275004250
76PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 5112173001200
77PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51AUG 21-22-41-0025836501190
78PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51P25/-224,1555360900
79PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51MAY 24-22-TVR 19-00116950750
80PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51AUG 24-22-41-0023060006000
81PaddyCertified Stage ICO 55AUG 24-22-41-002245299.52399.5
82PaddyCertified Stage ICO 55SEP 24-22-41-0022518001800
83PaddyCertified Stage INLR 34449FEB 21-22-41-0021937501000
84PaddyCertified Stage ITPS 5SEP 24-22-41-0024419001900
85PaddyCertified Stage ITRY 4FEB-24-22-497-182500100
86PaddyCertified Stage ITRY3Feb.16.22.try,20.1111501150
87PaddyFoundation Stage IASD 16SEP21-22-498-297500100
88PaddyFoundation Stage ICO (R) 50JAN21-22-497-1521850650
89PaddyFoundation Stage Ico (R) 51SEP 21-22-41-002573848.51248.5
90PaddyFoundation Stage ICR 1009186300300
91PaddyFoundation Stage ICR 1009 SUB 1FEB21-22-41-186300300
92PaddyFoundation Stage IDRR Dhan 62FEB 24-22-41-00201100100
93PaddyFoundation Stage ITPS 522235050
94PaddyFoundation Stage IIADT 53JUN 23-22-TVR 19-00054200020
95PaddyFoundation Stage IIswarna sub 1FEB 20 - 22 - NGT 19 -16500500
96PaddyFoundation Stage IITKM(R)-1309100040
97RagiFoundation Stage 1CO 15APR 22-22-799-0040051
98SesameFoundation Stage IVRI 4JUN 24-22-41-0021155
100Sun HempSun HempSun Hemp05/2019-202024412441
101Sun HempSun HempSun Hemp08-09-10-11/202119001900
102Sun HempSun HempSun Hemp36/202024412441
103SunflowerFoundation Stage 1CO(SFV)5Sep18-22-653-24407

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Department of Agriculture, Tamilnadu is a Century old department, addressing the cropping and cropping related needs of the farming community.

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  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005