S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BengalgramFoundation Stage 1JG 11Mar-15-22-888-48500180
2BengalgramFoundation Stage 1JG 11Mar-15-22-888-59345240
3BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8OCT 24-22-888-001299034.5
4BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8Jul-22-22-675-00571200.19999
5BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005413371337
6BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005214881488
7BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-00038143528
8BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005816351635
9BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005413371337
10BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005214881488
11BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-00038143528
12BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005816351635
13BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005413371337
14BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005214881488
15BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-00038143528
16BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005816351635
17BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005413371337
18BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005214881488
19BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-00038143528
20BlackgramCertified Stage 2VBN 8JAN 23-22-NGT-31-0005816351635
21BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VAMBAN 10SEP 24-22-888-00123536.716.7
22BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VAMBAN 10AUG 24-22-888-00120136.752.7
23CottonTruth Fully LabelledsurabiCOTTON-5705/2024-2025100100
24CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)SEP 24-22-888-00124745365
25CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)OCT 24-22-888-0012728077
26CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)OCT 24-22-888-00132290290
27CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)OCT 24-22-888-001401102
28CowpeaFoundation Stage 1VBN 3NOV 24-22-888-00147100100
29CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3SEP 24-22-888-00121275155
30CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3SEP 24-22-888-00144950650
31GreengramFoundation Stage 2VBN 5OCT 24-22-888-001458080
32GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14OCT 24-22-888-0013918201820
33GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14OCT 24-22-888-0013514351435
34GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14OCT 24-22-888-00133698.9698.9
35GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14OCT 24-22-888-00136760760
36GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14SEP 24-22-888-001221920338
37GroundnutCertified Stage 2TMV 14OCT 24-22-888-00138680680
38GroundnutFoundation Stage 2KADIRI LEPAKSI 1812NOV 24-22-888-00134330260
39PaddyFoundation Stage IIBPT 5204BPT5204/2024-25750155
40RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1MAR 24-22-799-0025422801930
41RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1APR 24-22-799-0025718001425
42RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1APR 24-22-799-00261750268
43RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1MAR 24-22-799-0028610001000
44RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1MAY 24-22-799-003302299.62299.6
45RagiCertified Stage 1PAIYUR 2Feb-18-22-799-16929601500
46RagiFoundation Stage 1CO 15MAR 24-22-799-0027624002276.5

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Department of Agriculture, Tamilnadu is a Century old department, addressing the cropping and cropping related needs of the farming community.

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Providing a comprehensive ICT platform for the farmers to access information, disseminate information, as a mechanism to keep them informed on whatever they need, whenever they need and from wherever they need.Shifting focus from crop based to farm based.Identify the reason for gap in yield of individual farms and address them

Contact Us

  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005