S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BGABGA NEWBGA NEW122-17-18200100
2BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 10SEP 24-22-VLR-17-00117305305
3BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 11AUG 24-22-VLR-17-00107385176
4BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 11SEP 24-22-VLR-17-00116180180
5BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 11OCT 24-22-VLR-17-001159898
6BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 11OCT 24-22-VLR-17-001148080
7BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 11SEP 23 22 1074 0000510060
8BlackgramFoundation Stage 1VBN 8AUG 24 22 1074 00018100100
9BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 11SEP 24-22-VLR-17-00106950854
10BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 5JAN - 16 -22 -1479 -022416
11BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 5MAR-16-22-1431-1028020
12Coconut seedling TallCoconut Seedling TallCoconut Seedling Tall1100046
13CumbuFoundation Stage 1Co-10MAY 24 22 VLR 32 000204040
14GingellyCertified Stage 1SVPR 1081616
15GingellyFoundation Stage 1TMV (SV)7APR24-22-PDK26-000651010
16GingellyFoundation Stage 2TMV 7JUN 24 22 1074 000154040
17GreengramCertified Stage 1CO 7JAN - 16 - 22-1431 - 03950926
18GreengramCertified Stage 1VBN 316/2016-1746048
19GreengramCertified Stage 1VBN 3SEP-16-22-1642-22102019
20GreengramFoundation Stage 2VBN 3FEB 16 22 061010
21Ground nut MinikitCertifiedK-61231515
22GroundnutBreederKADIRI 6R2015K61729090
23GroundnutCertified Stage 1GJG 32Mar-24-01-1454p40004000
24GroundnutCertified Stage 1KADIRI LEPAKSI 1812MAR24-22-VLR26-07597597
25GroundnutFoundation Stage 2KADIRI LEPAKSI 1812SEP 24-22-VLR 26-0001210201020
26GroundnutFoundation Stage 2KADIRI LEPAKSI 1812OCT 24-22-VLR 26-000131037.41037.4
27K6 MinikitK6K6 MinikitOCT-15-01-12453030
28K6 MinikitK6K6 MinikitOCT 15 01 12453030
29KudiraivaliFoundation Stage 1co.kv2MAY20-22-VLR-23-0044040
30PaddyCertified Stage IADT (R) 45APR 15 - 22 - 363 - 735550150
31PaddyCertified Stage IADT (R) 45FEB-15-22-427-8425002500
32PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 50MAR 15 22 122 58500150
33PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 50Mar15-22-122-581500500
34PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51MAR20-22-VLR-17-000235550250
35PaddyCertified Stage ICO (R) 51MAR-20-22-VLR17-0002458002890
36PaddyFoundation Stage IADT 49Feb-17-22-363-18950050
37PaddyFoundation Stage IADT 53MAY 24 22 VLR 32 00019700700
38PaddyFoundation Stage IADT 54MAR-24-22-VLR20-44400200
39PaddyFoundation Stage IADT 54MAR 24-22-VLR-17-00089700700
40PaddyFoundation Stage IADT R 50Feb-17-22-363-191500200
41PaddyFoundation Stage IADT R 50DEC15-22-363-905050
42PaddyFoundation Stage ICO (R) 50MAR 15 22 122 6022080
43PaddyFoundation Stage ICO (R) 50FEB100100
44PaddyFoundation Stage ICo 52FEB 24-22-VLR-17-00079250150
45PaddyFoundation Stage ICO 55JAN 24 22 VLR 32 00013900500
46PaddyFoundation Stage ICO 55JUL 24 22 VLR 32 00025250250
47PaddyFoundation Stage ISAHBHAGIMar-16-22-363-131300300
48PaddyFoundation Stage ITKM 15MAR-24-22-VLR-20-00057500450
49PaddyFoundation Stage ITKM 15APR-24-22-VLR-20-58500500
50PaddyFoundation Stage IIco (R) 51Mar-17-22-363-10(i)127502000
51PaddyFoundation Stage IIco (R) 51MAY20-22-VLR-23-082000120
52PaddyFoundation Stage IICO 55JUL 24-22-VLR-17-0011338703870
53PaddyFoundation Stage IICO R(51)001640640
54PaddyFoundation Stage IINLR 34449APR 15 - 22 - 363 - 7284005750
55PaddyTruthfully LabelledChengalpattu sirumaniSSF-TFL-137050
56PaddyTruthfully LabelledKaruppu kavuniMAR24-KK-DPT-002150130
57PaddyTruthfully LabelledThooyamalliSSF-TFL-12150110
58RagiFoundation Stage 1ArjunaAPR24-22VLR20-72120120
59RagiFoundation Stage 1ATL 1JUL 23-22-VLR32-000085050
60RagiFoundation Stage 1ATL 1MAR 24 22 VLR 32 00018150150
61RagiFoundation Stage 1CFMV 1 (Indravathi) APR-24-22-VLR20-00069160160
62RagiFoundation Stage 1CO 15JUN 23-22-VLR32-000077020
63RagiFoundation Stage 1CO15JUL 24 22 VLR 32 00026300300
64RagiFoundation Stage 1VL Mandua 376APR 24-22-VLR-17-00092120120
65RagiFoundation Stage 2CO-15MAR20-22-VLR-23-003100100
66RagiFoundation Stage 2GPU 28APR-16-22-363-1214545
67RagiFoundation Stage 2GPU 67JUL 15 - 22 - 363 - 8113085
68VaraguFoundation Stage 1CO 3APR19-22-363-1282020

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Department of Agriculture, Tamilnadu is a Century old department, addressing the cropping and cropping related needs of the farming community.

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Providing a comprehensive ICT platform for the farmers to access information, disseminate information, as a mechanism to keep them informed on whatever they need, whenever they need and from wherever they need.Shifting focus from crop based to farm based.Identify the reason for gap in yield of individual farms and address them

Contact Us

  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005