S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BengalgramCertified Stage 2NBeG-3Mar-24-23-1662-0661349414
2BlackgramFoundation Stage 2VBN 8JAN-24-22-1662-046416.70.000012207
3CastorTruth Fully LabelledYRCH 2APR-24-22-YTP-TFL-034545
4CottonTruth Fully Labelledsurabi196/72150150
5CottonTruth Fully Labelledsurabi195/726060
6CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)SEP 24-22-1662-00077100040
7CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3AUG 24-22-1119-001232020
8CumbuBreederCo 10MAY-24-22-CBE(M)-PM-BS-0155
9CumbuCertified Stage 1Co-10JUL 24-22-799-00348240240
10CumbuFoundation Stage 1DhansakthiJAN 24-22-799-00210619.2499.2
11CumbuFoundation Stage 2COCU10JUL 24-22-799-00347380380
12GreengramFoundation Stage 2VBN 3Jun-15-22-1662-2758748
13GroundnutCertified Stage 1K 1812MAR-24-22-1195-061880380
14GroundnutFoundation Stage 1VRI 9JUN 24-22-1662-00075708628
15GroundnutFoundation Stage 2DharaniOct-20-22-1195-00040591591
16HorsegramCertified Stage 1Paiyur 2Feb-24-22-1662-061200200
17HorsegramCertified Stage 1Paiyur 2Jan-24-22-1662-062500228
18HorsegramCertified Stage 1Paiyur 2Jan-24-22-1662-065500500
19HorsegramFoundation Stage 2Paiyur 2JAN24-22-880-12040054
20PaddyCertified Stage IIWPJAN 21-22-799-001891000530
21PaddyFoundation Stage IIADT 54APR 24-22-799-0024828801630
22PaddyFoundation Stage IIBPT 5204MAY 24-36-569(A)-MU02371450307
23RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1MAY 24-22-799-0032710991099
24RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1MAY 24-22-799-00329985985
25RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1MAY 24-22-799-00333689.9689.9
26RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1JUN 24-22-799-0033518651865
27RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1MAY 24-22-799-003321235745
28RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1JUL 24-22-799-00351870870
29RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1MAY 24-22-799-0032818201820
30RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1MAY 24-22-799-00325830830
31RedgramFoundation Stage 2LRG 52Dec-23-22-1662-0554500.400012

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  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005