S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1BengalgramCertified Stage 2NBeG-3MAR24-22-1119-0010288010
2BlackgramBreederVBN 11APR-24-22-CDU-BS-0488
3BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8AUG 24-22-1119-0012554520
4BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8AUG 24-22-1119-00136344344
5BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8SEP 24-22-1119-00137441441
6BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8MAY 24-22-563-0007448070
7BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8AUG 24-22-1119-00120250178
8BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8AUG 24-22-1119-0012125010
9BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8AUG 24-22-1119-00122450450
10BlackgramCertified Stage 1VBN 8AUG 24-22-1119-00124456.7396.7
11CholamFoundation Stage 1K 12NOV 23-22-799-0022880.30.300003
12CottonTruth Fully LabelledsurabiN-2024-2520080
13CottonTruth Fully LabelledsurabiSCCM- 017040
14CowpeaBreederVBN 4MAR-24-22-VBN-BS-2188
15CowpeaCertified Stage 1VBN 3 (VCP 09-13)OCT 24-22-1119-00140248248
16CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3OCT 24-22-1119-00135290290
17CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3AUG 24-22-1119-00123650430
18CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3SEP 24-22-1119-00129250250
19CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3OCT 24-22-1119-00130428428
20CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3MAY 24-22-1119-00118708259
21CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3OCT 24-22-1119-00131141141
22CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3OCT 24-22-1119-00132485.9485.9
23CowpeaFoundation Stage 2VBN 3OCT 24-22-1119-00134250250
24GreengramCertified Stage 1CO 8AUG 24-22-1119-00133364364
25GreengramFoundation Stage 1CO 8SEP 24-22-889-001681515
26GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14SEP 24-22-1119-00127399.779.7
27GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14OCT 24-22-1119-00143420420
28GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14MAY24-22-1119-00108400400
29GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14SEP 24-22-1119-00128559.7184.7
30GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14OCT 24-22-1119-00141520520
31GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14MAY 24-22-1119-0011516401640
32GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14SEP 24-22-1119-00138280280
33GroundnutCertified Stage 1TMV 14OCT 24-22-1119-00139280280
34GroundnutFoundation Stage 1TMV 14SEP 24-22-1119-00142520280
35HorsegramFoundation Stage 2Paiyur 2FEB24-22-1119-0010630019.5
36PaddyCertified Stage IJGL 1798Apr-16-22-799-2245790500
37RagiCertified Stage 1ATL 1DEC 23-22-799-0019523000.399994
38RagiFoundation Stage 1ATL 1MAR 24-22-799-00260890405.87
39RagiFoundation Stage 1CO 15MAR 24-22-799-002419307
40RagiFoundation Stage 1CO 15MAY 24-22-DPI-02-00302010
41RedgramCertified Stage 1LRG 52DEC23-22-1119-001114700.00000000596046
42RedgramFoundation Stage 1LRG 41Mar.14-01-1007P-009181138785
43RedgramFoundation Stage 2Co 8JAN-23-22-1119-246370200
44SamaiCertified Stage 1CO 4Nov.14-22-563-332000355

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Department of Agriculture, Tamilnadu is a Century old department, addressing the cropping and cropping related needs of the farming community.

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Providing a comprehensive ICT platform for the farmers to access information, disseminate information, as a mechanism to keep them informed on whatever they need, whenever they need and from wherever they need.Shifting focus from crop based to farm based.Identify the reason for gap in yield of individual farms and address them

Contact Us

  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005