S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 20 Kg109488
2Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 20 Kg1344/208585
3Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 20 KgHSN/SAC/520811-20KG/2024-25145145
4Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 20 Kg13385656
5Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 20 Kg155050
6Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 20 Kg16/26.9.22229229
7Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 20 Kg001350350
8Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 8 KgIndMathiInv1481.8kg9457
9Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 8 Kg1116239
10Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 8 Kg022523
11Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 8 Kg023838
12Cloth Bags Cloth Bags 8 Kg8kg/339/1369999
13Cloth Bags Cloth Bags10 kg01/24-253434
14Cloth Bags Cloth Bags2 kg......184545
15Cloth Bags Cloth Bags2 kg23-244141
16Cloth Bags Cloth Bags2 kg03389389
17Cloth Bags Cloth Bags2 kg5208113232
18Cloth Bags Cloth Bags2 kgHSN/SAC/520811-2KG/2024-258686
19Cloth Bags Cloth Bags2 kg2021358112
20Cloth Bags Cloth Bags2 kg2021243243
21Cloth Bags Cloth Bags2 kg1344/21111
22Cloth Bags Cloth Bags2 kg13364646
23Cloth Bags Cloth Bags5 kg13351515
24Cloth Bags Cloth Bags5 kg256168151
25Cloth Bags Cloth Bags5 kg....175252
26Cloth Bags Cloth Bags5 kg2568859
27Cloth Bags Cloth Bags5 kg23-243030
28Cloth Bags Cloth Bags5 kg02/24.2555
29Cloth Bags Cloth Bags5 kg14040
30Jute GunniesGunniesNew gunny 50 Kgs 12345610001000
31Jute GunniesGunniesNew gunny 50 Kgs 12345613801380
32Jute GunniesGunniesNew gunny 50 Kgs 0012980274
33Jute GunniesGunniesNew gunny 50 Kgs 123600600
34Jute GunniesGunniesNew gunny 50 Kgs P.296/V-599
35Jute GunniesGunniesNew gunny 50 Kgs 3026800731
36Jute GunniesGunniesNew gunny 50 Kgs 001145145
37Jute GunniesGunniesNew gunny 50 Kgs 002600600
38Jute GunniesGunniesOnce Used Gunnies 50 Kgs0563540
39Jute GunniesGunniesOnce Used Gunnies 50 Kgs5346
40Jute GunniesGunniesOnce Used Gunnies 50 Kgs1200600600
41Jute GunniesGunniesOnce Used Gunnies 50 Kgs1200500500
42Jute GunniesGunniesOnce Used Gunnies 50 KgsReceived with breeder seeds22
43Jute GunniesGunniesOnce Used Gunnies 50 Kgs022626
44Jute GunniesGunniesOnce Used Gunnies 50 Kgs400400150
45Jute GunniesGunniesOnce Used Gunnies 50 Kgs6311
46Poly Oven SacPoly Oven SacPoly Oven Sac00593545

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Department of Agriculture, Tamilnadu is a Century old department, addressing the cropping and cropping related needs of the farming community.

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Providing a comprehensive ICT platform for the farmers to access information, disseminate information, as a mechanism to keep them informed on whatever they need, whenever they need and from wherever they need.Shifting focus from crop based to farm based.Identify the reason for gap in yield of individual farms and address them

Contact Us

  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005