S.No Stock Class Variety Lot Name Purchase Quantity(Kgs) Available Quantity(Kgs)
1Kit MilletKit MilletSADS 2024-25- Alternate Crop- MilletsKit-16-12-202411955
2Kit MilletKit MilletSADS 2024-25- Alternate Crop- MilletsKit-16-12-20244642
3NFSM - Nutri cerealsCholam KitCholam KitKit-31-01-20252626
4NFSM - Nutri cerealsCluster Front line Demonstration kit Cluster Front line Demonstration (Rs.6000 per demo/ha) kitKit-31-01-20251313
5NFSM - Nutri cerealsCluster Front line Demonstration kit Cluster Front line Demonstration (Rs.6000 per demo/ha) kitKit-31-01-202511
6NFSM - Nutri cerealsCluster Front line Demonstration kit Cluster Front line Demonstration (Rs.6000 per demo/ha) kitKit-31-01-2025102
7NFSM - OilseedNFSM OilseedBio fertilizer (50% Subsidy)Kit-20-12-2024100100
8NFSM - OilseedNFSM OilseedBio fertilizer (50% Subsidy)Kit-20-12-20244444
9NFSM - OilseedNFSM OilseedBio fertilizer (50% Subsidy)Kit-20-12-20243434
10NFSM - OilseedNFSM OilseedBio fertilizer (50% Subsidy)Kit-20-12-20249696
11NFSM - OilseedNFSM OilseedBio fertilizer (50% Subsidy)Kit-20-12-20242222
12NFSM - OilseedNFSM OilseedBio fertilizer (50% Subsidy)Kit-20-12-202422
13NFSM PULSESBio fertilizer (50 % subsidy)Bio fertilizer (50 % subsidy)Kit-12-09-202413268
14NFSM PULSESTRFA TRFAKit-12-09-20245242
15SADS 2024-25PCC INMKit-10-01-2025100100
16SADS 2024-25PCC INMKit-10-01-2025150150
17SADS 2024-25PCC INMKit-10-01-2025350350
18TNMMMillet KitGen 50% subsidy upto Rs.1500/HaKit-10-01-20252222
19TNMMMillet KitSC/ST 70% subsidy upto Rs.2100/HaKit-10-01-20252020

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Department of Agriculture, Tamilnadu is a Century old department, addressing the cropping and cropping related needs of the farming community.

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Providing a comprehensive ICT platform for the farmers to access information, disseminate information, as a mechanism to keep them informed on whatever they need, whenever they need and from wherever they need.Shifting focus from crop based to farm based.Identify the reason for gap in yield of individual farms and address them

Contact Us

  • Phone   :  044-28524894

  • Email    : coa.fcms@gmail.com

  • Address : Department of Agriculture
    Government of Tamilnadu
    Chepauk, Chennai 600005